Sunday 17 June 2012

Destination Atlanta, Kikka-sama is coming for Yuu!

Well if the news of her fourth single Koka Kara Hajimarunda is not exciting enough, Kikka-sama is going outside Asia to perform for the first time ever!  She will be a musical guest at Anime weekend Atlanta, which runs from 28th - 30th September, she will be performing live, autograph signing and featuring in panels.

For me this is shocking an unbelievable news, this makes her easily one of the fastest members of the Hello project family tree to get their chance to shine outside their native Japan.  Now I know what you are all thinking, it is Atlanta, thousands of miles from home, surely you're not?

WRONG!! I most certainly am going!  I have never visited the USA before and my number one favourite artist in the world is easily enough reason to do it!  So yes, it does mean I am not returning to Japan this year, but I get to see Kikka-sama live, and for all of you who are interested in her, please join me!  Now where can I get yellow glowsticks like those they use to steer aircraft?  ...